Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beyond the Permafrost

I would just like to take a moment here and share with you one of the most mind melting shows I have been to in awhile.

Tonight High on Fire played, but I really went to go see one of the opening bands; Skeletonwitch. They are by far my favorite metal band, actually probably overall my favorite band right now and will be for awhile, especially after tonight! They were fucking mind blowing! I really wish they were the headlining band, they sounded way better and they have so much more energy. It was just amazing.

The second opening band was Russian Circles, a melodic instrumental metal band, which was also incredibly epic. Like my friend said to me before they played, "If outer space had a sound, it would sound like them." And I totally agree. I wish I had more room on my camera to take a video of them! Just check them out if you get a chance, it's worth it.

Here is a video of Skeletonwitch playing Beyond the Permafrost!

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