Saturday, January 29, 2011

Undead Carousel

I have been dabbling in the idea of a potential rib piece for myself. Now, if you know me, in even the slightest bit, you would be thinking, "What the fuck!? You? Rib piece??? Pssssh!" Yeah, I know. I am the most ticklish person ever-seriously. If you go near me with a finger I will freak out. But rib tattoos are so beautiful! And I thought of the most epic thing ever that I love and I want-badly.

Picture this (you don't really have to, since I drew it out anyway!): an undead carousel horse. Rotting flesh hanging off of bone, but with pretty little detailing. It's amazing, right? I know! So I was thinking of the many places I have on my body that I could get it, and I couldn't picture it anywhere else except for my ribs. Fuck! Why? The one spot I said I will probably never tattoo. Uhhg, but it would be so perfect...

Well, it probably won't happen anytime soon, since I have so many other ideas that came first that I should get done, and I don't have the money. BUT! It is going on my list, and that will give me the time to think about the placement some more. I know everyone will say go for it, but hell, it's going to suck.

Ta-da! With tweaks here and there, obviously..

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