Friday, March 25, 2011

This is killing me..

I have been feeling pretty bummed lately. I think it's just an extreme case of loneliness, but it is really starting to wear hard on me. I'm not usually the type that goes out every night (well, what's really the point if I don't drink?), and I don't usually like to hang out with people I don't really know, I just feel so out of place and so awkward. I'm the type that sticks to what she knows.

That said, I miss my friends. My best friends. The ones I grew up with, the ones that have been with me through thick and thin. They're all over the place right now, so it's hard to see any of them. Like I have said numerous times, most of the people I know live in Vancouver. That includes two of my closest friends. This upcoming trip is a much needed one. Another close friend is away on a tour with her band (yeah, my friends are pretty neat!), and another is always busy with school and social gatherings. I don't even see my boyfriend very much because of our conflicting schedules. This is really starting to suck. Big time.

I am on my second day off in a row, and I think it might be just another day sitting at home, with little or no contact. I think I might actually go crazy. I already feel like a shut in. Why can't things go back to the way they were. Fuck.

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