So tomorrow (technically today..) is Judgment Day! And you know it must be true because a million billboards and paranoid followers say so. Yippee! But now I'm starting to think that Judgment Day is only an American holid- sorry, its not a holiday? Oh, and here I was, getting all bummed out because I thought I was missing out on stat pay! Oh well, now no one gets paid extra! Haha! Take that, sinners!
Anyways, I think I'm going to take a break from my Vancouver Adventure posts (only two left!), and instead I'm going to talk about 'the end of days' and Sarah's unicorn glitter party! What a mixed theme that is, isn't it? Thought it would contrast nicely. Which should I start with? Certain doom, or magic and sparkles? I think magic.
So today was Sarah's birthday! I know two Sarah's that are obsessively in love with unicorns, and I have been waiting for at least one of them to think of this theme for their birthday. If neither of them did, then shame on them. But Sarah (work Sarah) beat other Sarah to it! En garde! So all the invitees were expected to dress accordingly, donning horns and glitter, and so that is what happened. Gwen and I made our horns together (sounds...weird), and they were much larger than any one else's, which was pretty funny. Sarah's even had ears, which was adorable. But I had a tail! Actually, I was a 'metal unicorn', all black with skulls lined around the horn, and a red tail (which was originally supposed to be my mane). It. Was. Awesome. And Gwen's was fantastic as well. She was the 'lighter' version of mine, and somewhat 80's inspired. See pictures!! So we figured, that since tonight was 'the last night ever', that we would all truly be the last unicorns.
So what would happened IF the world really went to shit? I personally think it's all a joke, just like Y2K was, and the first time this guy announced this day in 1994. Like, how can people really believe this is going to happen? What proof is there? The only thing I can think of is: zombie apocalypse. Yeah. Makes sense? The Centre for Disease Control has even posted an 'in case of a zombie outbreak' article on their website. This shit is getting serious! So, starting tomorrow, supposedly, I need to make a plan and shit. Cause, who knows? It could happen. And I'm definitely not prepared. Considering how many zombie movies and shows I have watched, how many survival games I've played, the guides I have read, it's not enough! If it does happen, I personally think I'm screwed. No use denying it. Also, if rapture is tomorrow, I have long since accepted the fact that I will be left behind. At least I will be with people worth spending time with! And I don't feel like I haven't done enough in my life, and there isn't much I really regret, so..I think I'm good on that. I have accomplished almost everything I have wanted to so far in my life. If anything, we all deserve it, and we torture ourselves and the world everyday, so why even bother with rapture? Just leave us alone and it will all work itself out in the end!
Anyways, tired, pooped, zonked. Bed now. Either way, love you all, and see you on the other side! Whether it be a sunny new day, or a flaming hell, I don't know. I guess we'll see!
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