Thursday, June 2, 2011

Things To Come

Nothing is on TV. Nothing but Police Women of (Insert name of stuffy city here). As a result, I cannot express how much I love PVR. The only show I do watch religiously is Buffy. And thanks to PVR, I watch multiple episodes in one night, on any night I choose. A night like tonight was perfect! All I did was stay in a draw some future tattoos, and watched three episodes of Buffy goodness. Excellent. But now that I watched all of them, I'm back at square one. What to watch? Or maybe, I shouldn't even be trying to watch TV. It's just too captivating, it absorbs any shred of attention I may have for anything at this time of night.

But at least I am drawing. That is a step forward. I would usually be laying on my bed, watching the tube, and possibly trying to blog while falling almost asleep (I like to think of it more like 'zombie mode'. But, without the urge to eat brains). I think what helped was cleaning off my desk. For awhile it was home to piles of papers and sweaters and jackets. And having piles of everything makes me avoid the monstrosity, and therefore, avoiding productivity. Plus, right now, blogging from my newly cleaned desk is a breath of fresh air. SO, hurray for today, I got shit done. I also had a nap. Fuck yeah.

It's going to be nice having the next few days off work. Things have been very wishy washy lately. Lots of studio drama, and other shit I'm getting sick of. But things are about to change, mostly for me, and I'm pretty excited about it. A little while ago, someone contacted both Dana and I about a job at another shop. So we both decided to look into it, but when it came down to going and talking about the details, that's when I changed my mind. Very quickly. I had to call the lady to tell her I couldn't meet with them because it would have taken me forever. From the get go, I knew she was someone I didn't want to work for. She had no respect what-so-ever. And when I told her it wasn't going to work for me, and I went to thank her for the opportunity, she hung up on me. Sooo yeah. I think I made the right choice. Dana has decided to go work at this shop, which means I will be the only artist at the studio, and I get the whole room to myself. It's super awesome, but super scary at the same time.

For awhile, I was really hoping this was going to be a good thing for me. I was trying to picture what it would be like to work in a shop with other artists, and along side my mentor. But I am super glad that turned out the way it did. Not every opportunity will necessarily be the right one, but it will come around one day. I am happy where I am right now, and sure it has it's moments, but I need to stay true to myself and do what's right for me. And I hope that what is about to come is the right thing.

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