Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gun Metal

Today was a better day! I got to work on an awesome tattoo that I haven't seen for awhile, so that was fun. I love it when people come back to get their epic pieces worked on (hint hint). Joking! I know tattoos are expensive, so I understand if clients can't afford to come back right away, but heck, I need to pay bills too! Well, sort of.

Anyway, after work today I went to a magical place called Wal-Mart with Sarah. I'm sure you've heard of it. I can just hear my mother's voice now, "Don't shop there! It's evil!". No, my mother is not a conservative 'Higher Being' worshiper, she just boycotts the place because of unfit treatment of their employes, or something. I never got the whole gist of it. They just have really good deals! And they have everything-and I mean everything. Like, a Justin Bieber night gown. And Sarah and I just discovered: a dance floor! WHAT!? I know! It's crazy! Only during renovations though. That shits' only on for a limited time!

On our little excavation we found lots, more than we needed. So much, in fact, that we both had to throw things out of our (generously supplied) baskets at random points all over the place! It was madness! Granted, they did have conveniently placed section full of Valentine's Day chocolate right by the door, so when you first walk in the first instinct you have is to grab as much of it as possible. Because, well, you need it, right? But then halfway through your shopping extravaganza you realize, "Fuck, why is there so much fucking chocolate in my basket? WHO PUT THIS IN MY BASKET!?" As if you don't remember the aforementioned chocolate section. That's what I call taking advantage of vulnerable customers! Which, in any case, is good for business, I suppose. I didn't let go of my 'needed' pack of Reeses' peanut butter hearts until I was at the self-checkout! Will to say no: 1, Overwhelming weakness for Reeses' PB chocolate: 0. HOWEVER, I could not resist the shiny charisma of the Gun Metal or the Black Platinum nail polish. Had to have them. I've always wanted nail polish that made my fingernails look like they are made of steel! That, and $0.97 Hello Panda (not to be confused with Hello Kitty) candy. Thank you, Wal-Mart, even if you are as evil as my mom says. I will listen to her one day...

Pow! If you really look at this picture, it just looks like my abnormally large hand is poking my eye.

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