Kelsey, one of my best friends since high school, is moving to Peace River until the end of August, but she leaves the day after I get back from Vancouver. She got an amazing job offer for an environmental practicum, so I am super excited for her! She is definitely a wild, free spirit, and she deserves this opportunity. She cares more about the environment more than anyone else I know, and she works very hard to stick to her beliefs and ideals. I admire this very much, as sometimes we can all be quite hypocritical, it's part of human nature. But Kelsey has always stayed true to herself and she is one of the most kind hearted people I have ever met. She has been a very good friend to me for this long for a reason, I truly value her friendship and always will, no matter how far she moves away for how ever long!
Now Brit...oooh Brit Drew. Where do I start with you? (That rhymed!)
Well, I worked with Brit for, almost a year? And before that I remember her as a customer, as she is a hard person to forget (I mean that in the nicest way possible!). She came into the store, before she worked there mind you, and she brought in condoms. Yes, condoms. In circle shaped packages. And as she showed everyone these condoms she then proclaimed, "WE CAN PLAY CONDOM POGS!!". Yeah, that was interesting. Then, after she left, Sarah came to me and said, "I think I'm going to hire that girl." I immediately said, "No. Just no." Thus, began the Brit Drew segment of Divine. For the first week I thought Sarah was out of her mind, but I quickly came to realize I was wrong. Brit has this amazing ability to understand things and read people very quickly, and dear god there is no hiding anything from her. If you are in a bad mood, or if something is on your mind, she will know. Creepy, I know, but amazing. I have never met anyone who would stop everything they're doing just to better someone else's life. One of Brit's favourite things to do is to 'go on errands'. I would say, "I'm really thirsty" and she would respond with, "SEND ME ON AN ERRAND!!". (She yells. A lot.) And off she would go, rain or shine, just because she cares. The day after I leave for Vancouver, Brit is moving to Sanich(?)....ahem, Victoria and area, and I'm not sure when or if she will come back. I hope she does. Brit has only been a part of my life for less than a year, but she has made such a HUGE impact on me and many other people. She is truly a diamond in the rough and I only wish her the best and hope she finds what she is looking for. And no, Brit, I'm not worried. You just do what you do best, take care of yourself, because you need to do things for you.
It's hard to put any form of appreciation I have for both of these wonderful friends of mine into words, so I hope you can accept the only thing that comes to mind; thank you. Thank you so so much. I would not be the person I am today without either of you, and I honestly don't know what I will do without seeing you on a regular basis. I am so proud of both of you, for taking on crazy adventures, and making changes that are right for you. I am truly happy to have such amazing friends in my life, and I hope I can do the same for you as what you have done for me.
Love you both, and I can't wait to see you again when your adventures bring you back!
Now its time to (try and) sleep for tomorrow!!
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